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‘Will take action’: Ludhiana police on Class-12 children zipping in swanky cars

Notices will be issued to the owners of the high-end cars which were used to carry out rallies in the city by underage Class-12 students during their farewell parties in the past couple of days, in blatant violation of traffic rules, a senior police official said on Sunday.
The students of various prominent private schools in the city have been carrying out these rallies as part of their farewell functions. According to reports, these events have been organised by the students on a personal level.
“We have taken note of the viral videos and identified several vehicle owners. Notices will be served to them promptly,” assistant commissioner of police (ACP) traffic Charanjiv Lamba said, condemning the reckless behavior.
In response to these incidents, the traffic police have announced plans to intensify monitoring with special checkpoints throughout the city.
The videos circulating on social media show convoys of opulent cars speeding along highways, with underage students in the drivers’ spot. Students could be seen leaning out from windows, dancing through sunroofs, taking selfies, and violating traffic laws, putting both their own safety and that of others at risk. In some videos, fireworks are even set off from moving vehicles.
Compounding the issue, these rallies are being posted and glorified on platforms like Instagram, accompanied by songs glorifying violence and openly defying law enforcement. In an attempt to outdo each other, participants list the luxury vehicles involved in their procession.
